Component Distribution Service
Electronic Component Sourcing
Electronic Materials Management
Value added Services
Quality Commitment
Location:Home ->Electronic Component Sourcing


"We are not limited by the traditional distribution method"
Our Sourcing model exhausts every possible venue to meet our customers demanding requirements

CREAVA provides global sourcing of critical parts required by OEM and CM manufacturers. Our business model allows us to exhaust every channel available to meet our customers requirements. We are not limited to the traditional distribution model of what is on our shelf or at the factory, which often leads to shortages, long-lead times, and allocations for customers.

When we say we exhaust every available source...we mean it. We source direct with the factories in the US and overseas, with distribution sources both overseas and domestic, the independent channel, and if we cannot find the parts you need, we source "cross" options and customized designs with leading suppliers and design engineering companies.